About Me

Hi, I’m Tamara.  I absolutely love books (I mean, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t!), and have always loved books – I was that geeky girl who spent her breaks in the school library and spent the summer holidays reading in bed all day, every day.  Because of my love of reading I have always wanted to be a writer and completed a BA in Creative Writing in 2011.  Unfortunately since then, my disability (I have M.E.) has worsened a lot, making me almost housebound, and sometimes bedbound; consequently, blogging and the internet has become a lifeline for me and my main way of socializing.

My favourite genres are Chick Lit, Autobiography and ‘Literary’ fiction (I hate that term but don’t really have anything else to call it).  My least favourite genres are Horror, Thrillers and Mysteries, but I will read almost anything if it sounds interesting.  As well as reviewing books here, I am also on Goodreads.

Other than reading and writing, I love cross-stitching, snail mail, baking, the Sims, Fairyland (Facebook game), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who, chocolate, Twitter,  shopping and many other things that would probably take forever to list and would probably bore you crazy.  If you find you want to know more about me, feel free to stop by my personal blog Empty Thoughts, Rewritten and leave a comment, or send me a message on Twitter, as I love making new friends that share any of my interests.

One thought on “About Me

  1. Hi Tamara, I found you through the Chronic Babe Forum. Like you I spent my life reading books, always reading, preferring reading to anything else. I also pursued a degree in writing and despite my chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, published my first book last year! A 13 year labor of love. So, good to see you here. Maybe we’ll connect on goodreads. I just launched a new blog: http://www.chronicjourney.com


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