Musing Monday (7th Oct)


Musing Mondays is hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. It asks you to muse about one of the following each week…


• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• What book are you currently desperate to get your hands on? Tell us about it! 
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

My musing:

For some reason this year I just haven’t read as many books as I’d have liked. Of course, I know the year is not yet over, but according to my Goodreads I am 11 books behind my schedule (I put my aim at 60 as I read 59 books last year), so I admit that I feel I’m unlikely to catch up, especially with Christmas coming up. 

I’m not sure why I haven’t been reading so much, but I feel that I have found very few (if any) books that really excite me. You know the ones that keep you up at night because you can’t stop reading them? Well, I’m not sure when the last time I read a book like that was. 

But I want to get excited by reading again. I know that one way to do that is just to read, and I plan on making more of an effort to read during the day as well as in the morning.  So if anyone has any books they can recommend, ones you think will make me want to read and read and read without stopping, please share in the comments, as I miss that feeling of loving reading as much as I once did.


Musing Mondays (July 29)

ImageMusing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…

• Describe one of your reading habits.
• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• What book are you currently desperate to get your hands on? Tell us about it! 
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!

Make sure you visit Should be Reading to visit other blogs joining in.

My musing this week is about rereading books. I have never been one to reread the same book over and over, so far the only exception to this is the Harry Potter series, and Lord of the Rings (though as it’s so long I’ve only read it twice in the past few years).  Mainly, once I’ve read a book I’m done with it – accepting this has made it much easier to donate or give away old books taking up space on my shelf.

In the past I have tried rereading a few favourite books. I loved Jane Eyre, but when I read it the second time I hated it as it felt like it was just whining all the way through (similar to how I feel about Twilight).  I reread Little Women as I enjoyed the series when I first read it but couldn’t remember much of the actual books (I also love the film), but was disappointed to feel like I was being preached at on a second reading.  There are a few books, like Anne of Green Gables, and books by Cecelia Ahern that I want to reread but these experiences haven’t made me eager to do so.  Then again, I have read Cloud Atlas and slowly started rereading my favourite childhood books recently and haven’t been disappointed.

Last week I bought The Hunger Games series.  I borrowed the books from my library about two years ago (I think) and completely loved them and have wanted to reread them again for a while.  I am hoping they don’t turn out to be a mistake to reread but this is one series that I feel I will still love and gain from, from rereading.

Do you reread the same books over and over, or are you more like me and much more likely to try something new rather than return to previously loved books?

Musing Mondays (July 22)



Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…


• Describe one of your reading habits.

• Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
• What book are you currently desperate to get your hands on? Tell us about it! 
• Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.
• Do you have a bookish rant? Something about books or reading (or the industry) that gets your ire up? Share it with us!
• Instead of the above questions, maybe you just want to ramble on about something else pertaining to books — let’s hear it, then!


Be sure to check out more musings at Should Be Reading.




Lately I haven’t been reading as much as I usually do.  I don’t know whether it’s the fact that I am constantly feeling exhausted, with far too many ideas going through my mind; or that I am constantly turning towards my laptop now, rather than books.  Whatever it is, I want to get back into reading every day.


I used to read every morning as I drank my mug of coffee – I want to start doing this again as it always left me feeling peaceful and relaxed and ready to start the day.  I used to read every evening in bed as well, but now I am shattered by the time I get ready for bed.  Reading is, and always will be, an important part of my life and who I am.  So I am going to do my best to start picking up a book at least once every day and get back into the habit of it.